Monday, 22 December 2014

Journal publication about a generic probabilistic classifier (also applicable for non-metric proximity data)

The paper Generic probabilistic prototype based classification of vectorial and proximity data
published at Neurocomputing is now online. In supervised learning probabilistic models are attractive to define discriminative models in a rigid mathematical framework. More recently, prototype approaches, known for compact and efficient models, were defined in a probabilistic setting, but are limited to metric vectorial spaces. Here we propose a generalization of the discriminative probabilistic prototype learning algorithm for arbitrary proximity data, widely applicable to a multitude of data analysis tasks. We extend the algorithm to incorporate adaptive distance measures, kernels and non-metric proximities in a full probabilistic framework.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Benchmark sets for indefinite proximity learning

At the page Benchmark I have provided a matlab file with 13 proximity benchmarks
at various complexity, scale and from different application domains. The page contains
also a description and references to the original work behind the datasets.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

journal publication on conformal prediction for proximity data

The paper Adaptive Conformal Semi-Supervised Vector Quantization for Dissimilarity Data
published at Pattern Recognition is now online. We propose a conformal classifier for
multi-class semi-supervised learning of proximity data.
Update: The article won the College best publication award of the University of Birmingham College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Publication at ICANN 2014

Accepted paper at ICANN 2014 about Discriminative Fast Soft Competitive Learning
The approach extends relational Soft Competitive Learning (aka Relational Neural Gas) by a supervised learning scheme which is more reliable than former approaches. The method can
be used to get a (semi-) supervised clustering of (large) proximity matrices.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Embedding of potentially asymmetric proximity data (visualization)

Published a paper with Marc Strickert and Eyke Hüllermeier about

Correlation-based embedding of pairwise score data

The approach can be applied to embed potentially asymmetric proximity (score) data preserving
correlation between the data. It also shows multiple theoretical insights into the conceptual behavior of alternative approaches.

Published paper at Neurocomputing

Published a paper "Learning vector quantization for (dis-)similarities"
focusing on a framework for (non-metric) proximity based learning using prototypes.

Poster presentation about non-metric data analysis @MiWoCi/WSOM'14

I will have a poster presentation at MiWoCi / Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps 2014
The poster will address different approaches to deal with indefinite / non-psd / non-positive
proximity data.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Special session at ESANN 2014

Special session at ESANN 2014 about Learning of structured and non-standard data join us in Bruges (Belgium), 23-25 April 2014

Accepted contribution at ESANN 2014

Accepted paper on Proximity learning for non-standard big data in the special session on Learning and Modeling Big Data at the ESANN 2014. We discuss the supervised learning and embedding of very large indefinite kernel matrices (generalizes also to arbitrary proximities).

Laplacian eigenmap embedding of ~200.000  protein sequences (40 billion proximities).
The colors refer to the largest 21 ProSite class labels

Related technical reports:

New publication: a conformal classifier for dissimilarity data